
Beloved Verse

They asked if I could write a verse
That would be loved by everyone
I said I might, if the wording’s right
But this is not the one

I’m Oak, You’re Oak

People say I talk about trees too much
I really try not to, but forget
My therapist says there’s progress
But I’m not out of the woods yet

Look at Me

The library’s mirror
Is all about
Letting people
Self-check out

But You Just Did Dept.

How can you be right and wrong at once
In quantum mechanical language superposition?
It’s very easy. Simply declare that
You can’t end a sentence with ‘a preposition’

Down on the Ground

Backpacking, you say?
I don’t know why
Cuz it’s better to let
Sleeping bags lie

Imperfect World

The world is far from perfect
We can quantitate it, of course
By measuring the rate with which
Marriage counselors get divorced

Twisted Logic

Of contortionists
I’m rather fond
I hear they train at
Bend Back and Beyond

Looking Ahead

The Levolor truck caused great concern
And gave some folks a fit
When its secret was revealed today
A blind man was driving it

The Cookie Crumbles

Volkswagen’s now making cookies
Their product is free of gluten
So far, they have a marketing plan
Based on “Fahrfignewton”
(thanks to Bruce Halley for the idea)

Cover Story

The badly injured upholsterer?
Here’s the news that I’ve discovered
It seems that the lady
Is going to recover


It’s clever how
One restaurant writes it
“A hot dog feeds”
“The hand that bites it”

Human Nature

The difference is big
And very strange
Between resisting change
And resisting being changed

And the Beat Goes On

When Ringo Starr
Was leading the discussion
He said repeating drum solos
Have many repercussions

Colon Pow!

My gastroenterologist
Laughs and grins
Saying, “the road to health”
“Is paved with good intestines”

Close to Home

This virus will not
Let me roam
I feel I’ve got
Stuckhome syndrome

Or by Number

If life is a giant canvas
A part of some grand design
Remember the very best paintings
Weren’t made by staying in the lines

In God We Rust

As I sit here drinking
Gin and tonic
It strikes me that
Steel is ironic

Date to Date

A month was torn from my calendar
And then it got mislaid
So now I’d say I’m feeling
Very dismayed


In King Arthur’s day
The wizards knew quite well
That you would lose your job
If you couldn’t spell

A Christmas Wish

The time for celebrating Christmas is here
With millions hailing the Messiah
As for me, “All I Want for Christmas”
Is no more Mariah

Wet Reams

When the tournament got rained out
It was an occasion
To give each child a trophy
For precipitation

Going Postal

The postal worker’s work
Is suddenly much better
Because she knows that she can do
Whatever the boss will letter

New Wrinkle

My dermatologist’s
Standing tall
Her son is going
To collagen the fall

Dino Might

If you fight dinosaurs
I would predict
You’ll probably get
Jurassic kicked

Double Meaning

Snow dropping from the sky
Cursed by travelers driving by
Snow so beautiful that I see
Snow big deal to me

Soldier Soul

Boot camp is
Rather cool
Because you’re entering
Private school

Writing Advice

My advice for aspiring writers
Is to the point, not vague
Whatever you do, it’s important to
Avoid cliches, like the plague

Yes, Your Highness

Maui wowie – magic stuff
Joint smokers all exclaim it
It’s not a term that I would use
“Coral Reefer” I would name it

Taco Bull

Cuisine from south of the border
Deserves its share of hype
So if you do not like this food
Then I am nacho type

Weight and See

The Jenny Craig phone system
I really hate
After holding for an hour
They said, “Sorry for your weight”

Buzz Off

Bees allergic to pollen
Do not have shortened lives
The only effect it seems to have
Is they come down with hives

Anagram Fun

And finally to close it out
Before this verse is done
I’ll tell you that ELEVEN PLUS TWO
Is the same as TWELVE PLUS ONE

Leveled Off

Kansans are a
Hearty band
Living off
The flat of the land

Self Ish

A one person shop
You’d likely guess
Has an owner who minds
Their own business

Getting Soaked

The scuba diver
To water marches
Paying expensive
Depth charges

Nome Home

An Alaskan bird got lost
And now won’t get to mate
All because it couldn’t
Keep its Bering’s Strait

Mix It Up

Buying a wok can change one’s life
And when that does occur
It will alter cooking habits,
Creating quite a stir

And Her Daze Are Few

The old gray mare
Wishes she had a penny
For every time she had stopped
Cuz her whoas were many

Sleepy Time

Whenever 9:00 pm rolled around
Little Louis would start to whine
At which point his mother would say to him
“ I think it’s Pasteur bedtime”


Haiku’s not for me
No rhymes, just syllable counts
I die of boredom

Lamb Shops

The lambing season’s come, you see
Exciting, yes it’s true
Corvallis is the place to be
With all its OS ewes

In Arrears

The chiropractor
Likes to say
That she is owed
A lot of back pay

Unfree Willie

I paid to ride an orca
And lived to tell the tale
The place that took my money
Was simply called “Fare Whale”


Inside my garden
It’s plain to see
The carrots are all
Rooting for me

Back Issues

A record setting kidney stone
Was grapefruit sized and unpleasurable
But after it had been removed
The patient’s relief was immeasurable

Silence is Golden

I didn’t mean to push your buttons
Wasn’t trying to be cute
The only defense I have is that
I was looking for the mute


A triangle and a circle
Played a game at a local joint
Which the triangle won most handily
Cuz the circle couldn’t make a point

Patients, Patients

The cloner of deer
Is now having fits
Awaiting a batch of
Doe-It-Yourself kits


Edison and Tesla
Their blood was bad
Simply due to
The power struggle they had

Silent Alphabet

A K being silent
As I recollect
Is something that is
KNOT, correct?

Have It Your Way

At our local coffee shop
The baristas like to say
They’re happy to make drinks to go
Or, if you’re rude,
To go away

(Thanks to Indira Rajagopal for the idea)

Problems and Pleasures

Problems seem greatest in anticipation
But keep in mind, for good measure
They aren’t any different in that regard
Than treasures

Problem Solved

The mathematician
Fixed a tough situation
By telling her ex
He’s not part of the equation

Memory Issues

Woody Woodpecker is gone
And I was spurred
To write this for him
So he gets remembird

What’s the Juice?

A lemon got sick
But had to grin
When the doc declared
She’d squeeze him in

Oh Cults

Scientology and Moonies
Combined reveal
A large amount
Of sects appeal


They’re deadly for a rattlesnake
But answer for me, please
If they work together
Should we call them mongeese?

Japan Ease

A sumo wrestler
Fears for nuttin’
With crazy garb
And belly buttin’

On Purrpose

At the cat rescue center
I give kitties showers
But I don’t do it much anymore
Cuz they reduced meowers


I had a lot of sewing jokes
I used to tell in serial
But I had to stop with all of that
When I ran out of material

Hands On

Some foresters are weird
They toe the line
Claiming to be able
To feel your pine

On the Other Hand

Her daughter’s always underfoot
Or so declares her mum
But as regards her father
She’s got him underthumb

Silent Alphabet

R is a challenge
So please don’t get violent
When I tell you that CARROT
Has its second one silent

Quiet Types

People like dogs
Old and young
Cuz they wag their tails
Instead of their tongues

Hanes’ Stains

Edible underwear’s
Getting quirky
Now they’re making
New brief jerky

Rude Canal

The army dentist
In his tent
Is the company
Drill sergeant

Head Off Collision

I feel I’ve got
Reason to complain
I was on the right track
But so was the train


I don’t think
That it’s deniable
Chronic fibbers
Are reliable

Bomb Swelter

Losing one’s temper
Is bad, you know
Kick an ICBM
Get missile toe

Ramen Numerals

Cross alphabet soup
With a cheap noodle-y treat
The product will be
Ramen numerals you can eat

Hot Lips

If joint pain is
A problem, friend
Try to smoke
The other end

Middle Life Crisis

My thoughts on fat to you I send
The concerns are more than little
I thought they were coming to an end
But they went to a middle

Kid Verse

What is the world to a whale?
It is growing to rather large scale
Making big swimming motions
In the depths of the oceans
With magnificent flips of its tail

Psalms Down

An atheist
Can’t be ignored
Once they have cut
Their umbiblical cord

Word Fun

A buddy speaks of sex a lot
With great enthusiasm
But it gets old – he talks too much
Another big bore-gasm

Sell Smell

When you buy perfume
For all intents
You’re trading dollars
For a few scents

Getting Behind

Behind men who are successful
They say you’ll find a woman
And behind those same men’s downfalls
You’ll often find another one

Don’t Inhale

In this time of social distancing
I’ve learned a few new tricks
Like wearing some protection
And practicing safe six

Not on Good Terms

Here now for you
Is a big ear worm
The guy who coined the term “coin the term”
Coined the term “coin the term”

Slouch Potato

The laziest student I knew
Was an educational free lancer
Work to prep he’d eschew
And wouldn’t take notes for an answer


On becoming a leader
You’ll need a correction
If you get on your high horse
In the wrong direction

Her Peas in a Pod

The Jolly Green Giant’s fuming now
Upset at his main squeeze
Cuz the birthday present she gave him
Was a big case of her peas

Cocker Spaniels

That pet trimming salon
Just makes me smile
They call themselves
Doggy Style

Space Matters

When buying a bigger bed
It is important you assume
That while you’ll have more bed room
You’ll also have also less bedroom

Mani Pedi

With their stocks
Keep their tools
In one nail box

Famous Restaurant Menu

The Eydie Gormé menu
Is what you order from
These were many tasty things on it
I’m hungry, yummy yum

Tread Lightly

My Michelins got stolen
It caused me great mayhem
And now that is the reason why
I work tirelessly to find them

Good Mileage

Leading doctors
Have this to say
The sex drive increases
When significant others move away

No Gifts, Please

My memory is really bad
Just why, I cannot say
I give myself a surprise party
Almost every day

The Whelk

The whelk is a tasty gastropod
They eat in Rome and Florence
One we have in the U.S. has is odd
They call him Lawrence

Coining a Term

The U.S. Mint’s penny making press
Was bad at first and how!
Despite some early mistakes back then
It makes perfect cents now

Artificial Tears

Artificial tears are good
For eyes that are dry
It’s very easy to make them
You just need to pretend to cry

Few Strings Attached

Victoria’s Secret
Has added new things
But instead of face masks
They’re selling face strings

Point and Click

She forgot how to use
The mouse she picked
Til all of a sudden
Something clicked


An unidentified flying
Got reported as
A flyingsauceros

Righting Writing

When prose is bad
And rather terse
You know that it
Could be verse

Turning Back the Clock

In a couple of years, I’ll turn seven oh
And I think about that plenty
But I’m not too worried, you know
Cuz I identify as twenty

What a Dump

A dung beetle walked into a bar
After a day of earning his bacon
He looked around and asked the folks
If one of the stools was taken

On Dewty

The steam powered phone
Had many faults
The worst of which
Were the mist calls

Hello Dahlia!

Botanical explosion
Spongy-petaled dahlias
Aesthetic & ambrosian
How I love ahlias

Filling the Gap

Walmart’s brand new dental service
Has a lane they call Express
It’s just for serving people with
A dozen teeth or less


The gametes are an incredible slew
You’ve really gotta love ‘em
Indeed, sperms say of eggs, it’s true
“We cannot get enough ovum”

Tight Wad

I’m frustrated with my shrink
And there is no denying it
He told me that I’m stingy
But sorry, I’m not buying it

New Units

Two thousand pounds of Chinese soup
Will make a restaurant run
In Beijing, China order it
In units of Won ton

Fyin’ Print

My dentist has a law degree
No kidding, it’s the truth
He says that he’ll remove my tooth
The whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth

Standing Ovation

My students say their favorite lesson
I have ever taught ‘em
Is that to make it to the top
You must get off your bottom

Under Cover

My fingernail lint
Has no match
It’s something that
I built from scratch

Sell Service

The microbiologist
Says that she’s
One who likes
Taking cellfies

Kitty Letter

Poems by cats
Could not be worse
Because they all
Are just purr verse

Super Bowel

Your cake decorator needs an editor
I said to the manager in a scowl
Cuz the cake you made me for today
Wishes a “Happy Super Bowel”

Bread to Please

Indian flatbread
With aromas immense
Most truly has
A bunch of naan scents

Call the Cop

Kleptomaniacs Anonymous
No progress are they makin’
Because at their last meeting
All the seats were taken

Hard to Ignore

At the Jane Goodall reception
I felt a sense of doom
I don’t know why, perhaps it was
The 800 pound gorilla in the room


A mime met his demise one day
The ending, most absurd
At his funeral the eulogist declared,
“There are no words”


Spackle squeezed into a hole
Fills up space. That’s its role
If the wall’s destroyed by rain
It will be what remains

Dead End

My dead end street
Has Moonies at the back
And that is why I call it
A cult de sac

Out House

A local Native American
Has rules for what to do
Number one inside the teepee
Number two in the teepoo

Hot Wired

Electricians are odd
What can I say?
Cuz they all like
Refused pay

Keep Me Posted

The Irish crook
Was not so dense
The first chance he had
He took O’Fence

Eye of Newt

A witch changed a boy to a rodent
An outcome undignified
But she declared it all legit
Cuz he’d been ratified

Word Fun

Don’t look at me like I’m not here
Your narcissistic curse
Puts you alone all day in your
Special you-niverse

Professional Signs

And last, not least, the propane station
With its sign spreads goodwill
It simply says to everyone
“Thank Heaven For Little Grills”


My skull’s the best one
I could find
I really like
This frame of mind


A lot of noise
But not much pubbing
That’s what happens
When Neanderthals go clubbing

Crow Barred

Here’s a fact to check
With anyone who’s a birder
Can a really good scarecrow
Help prevent a murder?

High Rider

A little rose
Desired a hike
So went outside
And petaled a bike

Pour Four

The Country Club dance
Held each year in their hall
Is a grand affair
One big golf ball

Dizzy Feeling

The spinning top
Got sick and frowned
Cuz he caught something
Going around

Famous Person Party RSVP

Jesse James was iffy
In the long note that he penned
He said if he’s held up somewhere
He definitely won’t attend

Taste Tubes

Scientists at Certs
Work to convince
By performing more

Mary Mary

Mary had a little lamb
With onions on a kabob
And so it was that Mary
Lost her herding job


The Scrabble mistake I made today
Was honest, let’s be fair
I have to say the cause of it
Was simply tile and error

Liver Love Song

Why are there no love songs
For the lovely liver?
Righting our unhealthy wrongs
It is the body’s caregiver

So here’s a love song to livers
May they always do their thing
Swimming in boozy rivers
Taking out the sting

And while you’re at it, hepatic one
You’d really hit a homer
If you could somehow make undone
This godawful hangover

Aiding and Abetting

Seeking peace inside a liquor store
The lawyer found trouble instead
Advising his client on what to do
“Take the fifth,” the lawyer said


A dog I saw
Made me nervous
Converting the floor
To a pup lick surface

New Units

Geometrically I’ll bet that you
Must get it all the time
But did you know the distance twixt
Two jokes is one straight line?

Much Overdue

Our librarian isn’t healthy
Here’s news on the causation
The problem that she has, it seems
Regards her circulation

Shocking Finding

Electricians who truly
Know the score
Get their parts
From outlet stores

Violin Overthrow

The man who stole the Stradivarius book
Has committed many sins
And now I’ll say about this crook
He has a history of violins

Odor Noter

Odor Noter
Working there in the stable
Was a smelly lady for sure
Of her it was said
All the horse men knew her
(say the last line out loud)

Touching Story

A blind guy got arrested
And put into our jail
But got let go quite quickly
Because he posted Braille


I applied for a job at the bedding company
But my smile turned to a frown
Cuz I learned that though I was qualified
I unfortunately got turned down

Page Turner

Written on papyrus
That book, indeed
Is what I’d call
A very good reed

Anagram Fun

Your MOTHER-IN-LAW may not be great
But please do not be bitter
You’ll probably make an enemy
By calling her WOMAN HITLER


Europe and Asia went to war
Because each one was miffed
The pundits all described it as
A continental rift


A thief in boxers
Lost the race
Police caught him
After a brief chase

The End

So I’m finally coming to realize
I’m not going to be here forever
There was a time when I didn’t
Think of that, ever

But, as you get older, your perspective
And other things change in you
Good God, this Dairy Queen
Certainly has a long queue


Regarding a
Redundancy theme
Consider the sinking
Of submarines

Comfy Chair

They said I sit around too much
It made me very sad
So I decided then and there
I’m not going to stand for that

Depth Charge

A multi-layer chocolate cake
Leaves people all aglow
But even simple two layer ones
Are deeper than some people I know

Running It Off

That athlete got the jitters bad
The coffee pull is strong
But she’s reducing it a tad
With a decaf-alon

Like Cockwork

Being a chicken’s
Gotta suck
Since roosters work
Around the cluck


Miss Muffett’s book
Is out today
The title of it?
“Around About Whey”

Samsung, New Verse

I hear there’s a new Galaxy phone
They claim it ranks a ten
But I just saw it and I’m afraid
It’s the Samsung all over again
(Published in the Washington Post Style Invitational contest #1498)

Booziness Plan

You know, it’s true
That I am seein’
How liquor’s such
A whiskey business to be in

Hoppy Hour

There’s joy in hops
When they’re on sale
To learn of beer
Is to know of ale

Quality Control Freak

My buddy’s new job at the factory
Is really very sweet
He works there making window shades
And pulls down one K per week

Splat That

Many loads were fired from it
But I know that many missed ‘em
The trebuchet was deadly, though
An early warring system

Wreck of Ages

I don’t know how many
Dorian Gray jokes I’ve told
But no matter what happens
They never get old

In the Running

Little Miss Temple won a race
When she was just a girlie
The reason for the outcome was
Everyone ran slowly but Shirley

An Orni Guy

A pastor with binoculars
Won’t do for herdin’
But he surely is
A priest of birdin’

Laid Back

I only wanted one stretcher
But bought three of them today
I do not have a reason
I just got carried away

Stepping Up

It rang quite true
To those in attendance
The inventor of stairs
Had many descendants

Sweden the Pot

I can’t understand the Vikings
Too bad my ignorance showed
The reason was because they all
Were speaking in Norse code


So why do people kill each other?
Fighting is oh so effed
War isn’t all about who’s right
It’s just about who’s left

Bottoms Up

Constance Chatterly has a drinking problem
And we need to forgive her
As detailed in the sequel book
“Lady Chatterly’s Liver”

Gone But Now Forgotten

He was said to be open minded
And was that without a doubt
Which, of course, is an explanation
For how his knowledge leaked out


An impressive retort
Was made in the spring
Some said it was
Quite a May zing

Checking the Numbers

Two can live as cheaply as one
But unless my math is wrong
The living that they do will be
Only half as long


For birthing now
Without a doubt
Midwives really
Help people out

Lonely Heart

A tennis player
As a mate, I’ll skip
Cuz love to them
Just means zip

Thinking and Believing

Thinking and believing
Both widely sought
But for thinking there’s no believing
And for believing there’s no thought


That book hoarder
Did it again
She obviously has problems
With shelf discipline

In Style

To get a haircut
Cheap or free
Go to the Hair

Melt Down

If rush hour jams occur
I’ve got no bones
When ice cream trucks
Serve traffic cones

Flying Circuits

A London comedy show
Brought many smiles
Leaving audiences
Rolling in the isles


If you don’t understand being famous
Then listen and I’ll show you
You’ll know that you’re a celebrity
When people who don’t know you,
Know you

Hot Times

Our home is feeling
Much more pleasant
Since we got a furnace
As a housewarming present

So It’s Working?

I do not want to
Go back to clerking
My unemployment plan
Isn’t working

Fruit Loop

I’m not sure
But have a feeling
That the Star Spangled Banana
Would be a peeling


About society’s upper crust
One thing you need to know
It’s just a bunch of crumbs that are
Held together with dough

Flossed, but Lost

The lumberjack, a working hack
Lost his head and went mental
A tooth he lost. That’s the cost
Of being axedental

Nutritional Advice

The advice I got from my doctor
Left me in an awful mood
A new dietary restriction

Pork Doubt

Miss Piggy’s song
That oddly starts
Implores listeners
“Don’t go bacon my heart”

Duel Purpose

A cold front canceled “Hamilton”
Not what I would prefer
And all the papers stated that
“Hamilton Killed by Brrrr”

Ex Her Sighs

My brand new girlfriend
Has her face in a pout
I missed our gym date
Guess we’re not working out

Key to Success

Locksmiths are people
Whose path to success
Involves being
Unlocky in business

Sticky Matter

My acupuncturist
Knows many tricks
When she tells jokes
I get pun pricks


When it comes to modern painting
It’s Picasso I prefer
All the things he puts on canvas
Strokes of genius, yes they were

In the Sticks

Carving wood
Into a fiddle
Works best when done
Whittle by whittle

Job Failures

The castles too do not escape
Admonishment, it is noted
But if it should occur to them
Does it mean they’ve been demoated?

Pay Up

The bird apartment manager
Has one task he must do
Collecting pay from occupants
Whenever wrent is due

Doubled Over

Writing these verses has given me
A wonderful surprise
Just in the last year of doing them
My audience has doubled in sighs

Pound of Flesh

The fashion designer knew the price was high
And was sure he’d have to beg
Cuz they told him what he wanted cost
An Armani leg

Games People Play

“Don’t play Russian Roulette,”
I pleaded with my brother
But it went in one ear
And . . . . . . . .

No Strings Attached

I went to buy a kite today
But that was a mistake
A sign inside their window said,
“Closed For String Break”

Things are Picking Up

I went to a weight store
To find myself the right size
Twas there I realized shop lifting
Means checking out their merchandise

And Her Daze Are Few

The old gray mare
Wishes she had a penny
For every time she had stopped
Cuz her whoas were many

Wreck of Ages

I don’t know how many
Dorian Gray jokes I’ve told
But no matter what happens
They never get old

Spanning the Spectrum

Whenever you feel,
“Ah, what’s the use?”
Remember even rainbows
Have the blues