
(To the tune of “Ticket to Ride”) / Recording by Rebecca McDade

Tonight I’m feeling quite glad
Because I can say, yeah
My cells are working like mad
To make DNA, yeah

They’re making nucleoti-ides
Way down deep and insi-i-ide
Are on the way

They activate RNR
With an ATP, yeah
Changing T to an R
Deep inside of me, yeah

Deoxynucleoti – ides
That’s what the enzyme provi-i-ides
Are on the way

The enzyme’s mechanism’s so sly
It is tactical
Using radical you see
So when it kisses substrate goodbye
It seems magical
In its practical-i-ty

The two prime that I mentioned
In this exercise, yeah
Its one bit of oxygen
Has got to downsize, yeah
2-prime gets de-ox-i-fying
That’s what the enzyme is buy-i-ing
2-prime is deoxified
It’s gone away

They’re gonna go and make DNA
You gotta know that
They’re gonna do that in me
They’re gonna go and replicate
A polymerase
Is gonna do that for me

Because of structure decrees
In nucleotides, yeah
DNA forms in b’s
But not much in a’s, yeah

Oh deoxynucleotides
Give B-forms
That oxygen’s gone
That oxygen’s gone
That oxygen’s gone


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