May the 4th be with you all
We heard just weeks ago
From Star Wars hipsters big and small
And others in the know
Our baseball squad’s inspiring awe
It’s constantly improving
The team is thinking Omaha
With its Heimlich maneuvering*
And meanwhile in the yard I hear
Some splishing and some sploshing
That only means one thing, it’s clear
Someone is power washing
I’m puzzled by the need to use
A very strengthened squirt
Is it the case that they’ve confused
A stain for power dirt?
Though it’s an odd phenomenon
Perhaps we’ll let it ride
At least it’s not like chewing on
Those awful pods of Tide
And one last wish to close this rhyme
I hope it’s not too dreary
Oh please let graduation time
Be on a day that’s partly cleary
The month of June’s the longest one
At least in terms of light
The solstice brings a sun that steals
Hours away from night
And with the light, our spirits sing
A joyous summer song
We’ve got all our vacations planned
Let’s hope it’s not too long
Cuz pools and beaches beckon us
Our swimsuits so revealing
And if you overdo the sun
Your skin finds it a peeling
*The OSU baseball team at the time of this writing had a player named “Heimlich”