The Famous People Party

A party invitation just was
Sent to famous greats
A lot of them are coming
The news we all await

Newton said that he’d drop in
But Pavlov simply drooled
Ohm resisted heartily
While Kelvin went and cooled

Samuel Morse dashed off a note
Expressing just one thought
He’d be there very timely, yes
In fact, right on the dot

Darwin said he’d be there if
His schedule got resolved
Until that happens, he will wait
And see how things evolve

Volta said he wouldn’t come
But some think that he lied
Cuz we heard heard his view on parties is
Quite electrified

Edison’s acting negative
About it, what a schlup!
If he comes to the party
We hope he lightens up

Einstein wrote back quickly with
An answer short and cheesy
He said for him attendance
Would be relatively easy

The invisible man will not be there
His response was rather numbing
He snottily declared no way
That he could see himself coming

Dr. Jekyll said the time
Is bad for him that date
And also, he really hasn’t felt
Much like himself of late

Heisenberg is uncertain if
He has the time to spare
And Hamlet wasn’t clear if he
Would be or not be there

James Watt declared the party’d be
Like something in a dream
And he’s been looking for a way
To just left off some steam

A message now has come that says
The brothers known as Wright
Will be there if the two of them
Can find themselves a flight

Van Gogh will likely not be there
There’s no way he’ll commit
In fact, when asked if he would come
He wouldn’t ‘ear of it

Audubon has commitments then
But hopes that he can swing it
Until then, it’s up in the air
Perhaps he’ll have to wing it

Gene Roddenberry’s far away,
But wrote back, “What the heck?”
“I’ll do whatever I can do”
“To undertake the Trek”

Jonas Salk will try his best
He’d like to come a lot
He’ll plan his schedule carefully
To give it the best shot

There’s hope that Calvin Klein will come
Oh wouldn’t that be great?
But just like him, he’ll probably be
Quite fashionably late

Henry the eighth will be there and
Deep down inside, we knew it
Because he told his friends that he
Would soon be heading to it

Tarzan said he’s busy
He’ll give it the college try
And if his schedule lets him
He’s happy to swing by

Eli Whitney’s gonna come
And that’s a big win-win
Because he’ll bring refreshments
Most likely ’twill be gin

Schrödinger cannot decide
His plans we do not know
Confusingly he told me that
He may and may not go

Steinway RSVPed to say
That he would really love it
To help remember, he said that he
Would make a note of it

The Maytag Repairman’s almost for sure
Unless there’s a fly in the ointment
That likely won’t be a problem cuz
He never has appointments

Jesse James was iffy
In the long note that he penned
He said if he’s held up somewhere
He won’t be able to attend

Ishmael’s excited
Expects it to be sublime
He’s really looking forward to
A whale of a good time

Amelia Earhart won’t be there
The problem’s not the cost
It seems each time she goes somewhere
She ends up getting lost

Copernicus would enjoy it
But the chances are rather slim
He’s not the best of guests because
The world revolves around him

It seems Godot may not be here
Upon this happy occasion
The last we heard from him, he said
He was waiting on the invitation

The thought that Niels will be there
Is enough to make one snore
The issue’s when he opens his mouth
He really is a Bohr

Now Madame Curie will attend
We’re sure she’ll look quite clever
And probably be like always
As radiant as ever

Helen Keller isn’t sure
She’d like to very much
And when she has an answer
She said she’d be in touch

Ms Antoinette’s conditional
It’s weird, for goodness sake
She says that she will be there
But only if there’s cake

Coulomb had a question
For him it loomed quite large
He needs to know before he comes
If there will be a charge

Mickey Mouse’s refusal
Has left us rather numb
He says he’s feeling goofy
And so he cannot come

Geiger’s all excited
The prospect has him humming
He wrote to tell us that we should
Count on him a coming

Tiger Woods sends his regrets
That he cannot arrive
The problem was he said it was
Too far for him to drive

Hamlet had a question
He wrote for all to see
Asking if the address was
2B or not 2B

Beethoven too was iffy
He needs to know some more
He said it’s only possible
If he is able to score

Ferris Bueller’s affirmative
For enjoying party quaff
He said no prob in coming
Because it’s his day off

Lincoln said he might be late
His travel is a stress
He’s coming in from Gettysburg
And needs to have the address

Stephen Hawking responded
To say as we begin
We’ll see him once again that day
When he comes rolling in

And Noah’s another iffy one
His secretary explains
She says he’ll come if it is nice
But not with heavy rains

And famous QB Tom Brady said
He’d not be there, alas
He’s prepping for the season and
Will simply have to pass



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