Tom Swiftie Verses

“My lady friend did not show up”
“I guess romance is dead”
“It hurts me most inside my chest”
Half-heartedly Tom said

“My family has changed a lot”
“Especially father Ted:
“Who wants to go by Tina now,”
As she transparently said

“They’ve stolen all the lamps we have”
My father just recited
I guess that is the reason why
He’s sounding so delighted

My kitten makes me feel so good
When my condition’s chronic
I wondered why and asked my doc
“So is this catatonic?”

Tom couldn’t talk to her back then
And that left her appalled
She’s phoning him again right now
The lady just recalled

Blowing air beneath a roof
Can cool dramatically
“I like its high efficiency”
Said Tom, fanatically

“The orca for our show tonight”
“Has sadly been impaled”
“I don’t think there’s another one”
The Sea World owner wailed

The line inside the clinic caused
Most people there to groan
“I don’t mind waiting for the Doc”
Tom patiently intoned

“He rammed his car into mine twice”
“It wasn’t very subtle”
“Perhaps I’ll do the same to him”
Replied Tom in rebuttal

They gave to him a lot of cheese
It truly was a plateful
Tom thanked them all for shredding it
Explaining he was grateful

An elephant did take a jump
And landed with great speed
On top of Mr. Collins who
Said flatly he agreed

A teacher made a Mobius strip
The class was mystified
But despite their mass confusion
It seems that just Juan sighed

While playing poker with his friends
Tom’s card count got reduced
“Someone just stole my two of hearts”
Is what this guy deduced

“I need to find a sharpener”
“This works disjointedly”
“My pencil’s lead is broken bad”
Tom said disappointedly

A card came back with postage due
It made this day eventful
Now Tom will have to mail again
For that he is resentful

The lady glared at me and asked
Was I some kind of crook?
It seems her watch was missing and
She had that timeless look

At Halloween my dog dressed up
Like a cantaloupe by golly
“I have mixed feelings ‘bout it though”
I said with melancholy

The plumber made the water rise
To fill my paper cup
“It’s twenty feet from ground to top”
This little guy piped up



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