A Waste of Money

(To the tune of “A Taste of Honey”)

A waste of money
The tale of a brand new touch pad

Steve Ballmer said
“We could be so rad”
So Mi-cro-soft
Made a new touch pad

A waste of money
(A waste of money)
Blown on the Surface touch pad

They never learn
Oh they never learn
Setting nine
Hundred million to burn

They make new things only because
They’re copying just what Apple does

A waste of money
(A waste of money)
Trying to buy into cool

They will be back, yes they will be back
They’ll return (they’ll return)
With a thing like (with a thing like)
The Zune


More Lyrics


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How about these?


(To the tune of “Help!”)

I’m feeling lonely

A Course With No Aim

(To the tune of “A Horse With No Name”)

On the first day of the quarter
I was reading the syllabus


(To the tune of “YMCA”)

Swollen in my inside


(To the tune of “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”)

When cells have lots of ATP and NADH too
They strive to store this energy as sugar, yes they do

Online Movie

(To the tune of “Feelin’ Groovy”)

Oh no! I missed my class
Someone ought to kick my ass.

Hood River

(To the tune of “Moon River”)

Hood River
Surfers in the breeze

The Crappiest Weather

(To the tune of “Happy Together”)

It’s such a rainy night, tonight
The radar’s looking very bad

Medical Marijuana

(To the tune of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”)

Medical marijuana
Something that I just might try

You Never Gave Me the Login

(To the tune of “You Never Give Me Your Money”)

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For trying out the new demonstration

Trader Joe’s Tonight

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(Published in the MockingOwl Roost -

The Amino Alphabet

(To the tune of “Twinkle, Twinke Little Star”)

Lysine, arginine and his
Basic ones you should not miss


PhosphatesAre in nucleotidesI say phosphatesCover bases insideI say phosphatesSpan the 5 and 3 primesThere’s no need-to-be-all-mixed-up
BasesCarry info you seeI say basesAre all complement’ryI say basesLike A,T,G and CThey have got-to-be–all-paired-up
It’s fun to play with some B-DNAIt’s got a boatload of G-C-T-AIt’s got everythingA polymerase needsWhen you melt all the A’s and T’s
It’s fun to play with some B-DNAIt’s got a boatload of G-C-T-AYou can make RNAsWith a po-ly-mer-aseJust by pairing up U’s with A’s