A Loan Again, Naturally

(To the tune of “Alone Again Naturally”)

A crisis is about to blow
With the bankers holding all the dough
They promise this time to behave themselves
But that is just all for show

They’ve got the market hot
To grab the stash you’ve got
In an effort for taking even more
And to them that is all that matters

We’re waiting in the line at a sign
That simply tells us “Don’t be upset
From too much debt”
No wonder there’s complaining

They treat us like we’re sheep
When they get money cheap
To loan again, naturally

It happened in two thousand eight
The Lehman brothers met their fate
They created a great big decay
And asked us to remunerate

But the walls came tumbling down
The effects hit every town
And each stinking cuss
Took a piece from us
With a massive corporate bailout

Leaving such a mess
That became the great recession
Oh if there is a place called hell
Here is a suggestion

Send them there for me
To pay eternally
An APR – fifty three
(slowly) A loan again, naturally


More Lyrics


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