Distance Ed

(To the tune of “Mister Ed”) / Recording by David Simmons

A course is a source, of course, of course
Of all of the knowledge that we endorse
A major force for better/worse is the campus Distance Ed

It’s true to outsource a college course
There are a few standards to be enforced
The long and short’s we reinforce the campus Distance Ed

A classroom class meets every week the same time every day
But Distance Ed is most unique – its flexible schedule’s okay

E-course is a source, of course, of course
Of online assistance for lab reports
You’re not enrolled in an online course?

Then sign up for this!

“You’ll love Distance Ed”


More Lyrics


When you’re in a funkAnd really craving some junkYou...

A Norwegian Would

Sven hopped in his boat
Didn’t get far. It wouldn’t float...

Let It Shine

(to the tune of “Let It Snow”) Oh the weather outside...

Wet Christmas

(to the tune of “White Christmas”) I’m screaming ‘bout a...


(To the tune of “Help!”) Yelp! I’m feeling lonely Yelp!...


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