Thank God There’s a Video

(To the tune of “Thank God I’m a Country Boy”) / Recording by David Simmons

There’s a bundle of things that a student oughta know
And Ahern’s talk isn’t really very slow
Learnin’ ain’t easy / the lectures kinda blow
Thank God there’s a video

Well we’ve gone through the cycles and their enzymes too
Studying the regulation everything is new
I gotta admit that I haven’t got a clue
What am I gonna do?

So I got me a note card and bought me a Stryer
Got the enzymes down and the names he requires
I hope I can muster up a little more desire
Thank God there’s a video

Just got up to speed about the NAD
Protons moving through Complex Vee
Electrons dance in the cytochrome C
Gotta hear the MP3

Fatty acid oxidation makes the acetyl-CoA
Inside the inner matrix of the mitochondri-ay
It’s very complicated, I guess I gotta say
Thank God there’s a video

So I got me a note card and bought me a Stryer
Got the enzymes down and the names he requires
I hope I can muster up a little more desire
Thank God there’s a video

Replication’s kind of easy in a simple kind of way
Copyin’ the bases in the plasmid DNAs
Gs goes with Cs and Ts go with As
Thanks to polymerase

And the DNA’s a template for the RNA
Helices unwinding at T-A-T-A
Termination happens, then the enzyme goes away
Don’t forget the poly-A

So I got me a note card and bought me a Stryer
Got the enzymes down and the names he requires
I think I can muster up a little more desire
Thank God! – There’s a video


More Lyrics


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