Sad Story of Thad

(To the tune of “Theme Song from The Beverly Hillbillies”)

You’ve gotta hear the story of the Inuit named Thad
A boat and a gun were the only things he had
One afternoon, while shootin’ at some food
His shot hit a pipe and began to spill crude

Oil spill, black mold, Prudhoe tea

Ole Thad realized that he didn’t have a prayer
Exxon told him “move away from there!”
Said “keep it secret if you know what’s good for you”
So he packed up his stuff and escaped by canoe

Far away. No swimmin’ pools. No movie stars

Paddling up the coast, Thad had a major scare
Came face to face with a scruffy polar bear
Swimming desperately, it was like a drowning rat
The ice floes a-melting destroyed its habitat

Warming. Globally. Northwest passage

Yes, the two of them – were a very homeless pair
Moving to the north they skedaddled out of there
A hundred miles further was a sight that gave them pause
Unemployed elves who had worked for Santa Claus

Little guys. Real sad. Little guys

The elves said the problem just was out of their control
Because Santa Claus was no longer at the pole
The weather getting warmer turned November into May
So they couldn’t make toys for the next Christmas day

Bad news. Real bad news

Now the moral of this story should be obvious to you
It’s time for the taking of a grander world view
The energy we’re using has a very hefty price
Ask Thad and the elves and the bear without ice.

Y’all get that now, ya hear?


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