The Time It Is a Changin’

(To the tune of “The Times They Are A-Changin’ ”)

Come listen up folks in the US of A
Who may notice that winter is going away
And accept it is true clocks can change what they say
No matter the outcomes circadian
You had better get with it or a price you will pay
For the time it is a-changin’

Go set your clocks forward or be late all the day
Get started right now cuz tomorrow’s Monday
Such a zombie you’ll be and it won’t go away
No matter how much you’re exclaimin’
The hour lost now will come back one fall day
Oh the time it is a-changin’

So calm down your anger, ’tis useless to fight
Leap forward not backward to decrease your nights
Though you curse old Ben Franklin with all of your might
And his thoughts on the clock rearrangin’
It’s the time of the year to be saving daylight
Oh the time it is a-changin’

So calm down your anger, ’tis useless to fight

Leap forward not backward to decrease your nights
Though you curse old Ben Franklin with all of your might
And his thoughts on the clock rearrangin’
It’s the time of the year to be saving daylight
Oh the time it is a-changin’


More Lyrics


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