
(To the tune of “Alfie”)

What is in that grout?
Are you living or simply a stain?
Why’re you in the grout
That I’m cleaning up, algae?
Are you there just to mock me again?
Oh you sure mess with my mind

Cuz I’m really not so blind
When you dirty what I have to clean
As you grow inside
All the cracks supplied, algae
Why are you bent to torment me with green?

I’m certain there must be a reason you exist, algae
Some food perhaps or a fuel
But beware of bathroom cleaners when we’re cleanin’

I am using bleach
Without this stuff you might exist, algae!
And that would leave me truly pissed, for certain, algae!

Now you’re gone far away I assume
No longer in my bathroom
Algae, algae


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