I Wanna Understand

(To the tune of “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” – Recording by Makaena Marie)

I ask why – many questions
And so I raise my hand
Cuz I
Seek direction
I wanna understand
I wanna understand
I wanna understand

So please
Answer me
Your help would be most grand
And please
Answer me
You’ll help me understand
I’d like to understand
I wanna understand

Could you just answer one more question today?
It won’t take long so I hope you’ll
Say OK, say OK, say OK

Yeah you, have perception
That I would like to gain
Oh I need direction
So I can ascertain
I wanna understand
I wanna understand
I wanna understand (fade)


More Lyrics


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How about these?

In Walla Walla

(To the tune of “Que Sera, Sera”)

When I was out in Washington
There was a waiter


(To the tune of “Sunshine on my Shoulders”)

Side chains of the lysines bind to phosphates
Minus charges cling to plusses tight

Singer Song

(To the tune of “Ave Maria”)

(The words to the original song are in parentheses to help guide the singing)

My Old Enzymes

(To the tune of “Auld Lang Syne”)

Whene’er my proteins go kaput
If they are past their prime.


(To the tune of “Penny Lane”)

In the catabolic pathways that our cells employ
Oxidations help create the ATP

She’s Staying Home

(To the tune of “She’s Leaving Home”)

Friday evening at eight o’clock
when the shuttle stops

You Never Gave Me the Login

(To the tune of “You Never Give Me Your Money”)

You never gave me the login
For trying out the new demonstration

Kidney Stone

(To the tune of “Take Me Home, Country Roads”)

Early morning
In the bedroom


(To the tune of “Delta Dawn”)

All that movin’ hither yon

She Likes You

(To the tune of “She Loves You”)

She likes you meh, meh, meh
She likes you meh, meh, meh


PhosphatesAre in nucleotidesI say phosphatesCover bases insideI say phosphatesSpan the 5 and 3 primesThere’s no need-to-be-all-mixed-up
BasesCarry info you seeI say basesAre all complement’ryI say basesLike A,T,G and CThey have got-to-be–all-paired-up
It’s fun to play with some B-DNAIt’s got a boatload of G-C-T-AIt’s got everythingA polymerase needsWhen you melt all the A’s and T’s
It’s fun to play with some B-DNAIt’s got a boatload of G-C-T-AYou can make RNAsWith a po-ly-mer-aseJust by pairing up U’s with A’s


(To the tune of “Ticket to Ride”)

Tonight I’m feeling quite glad
Because I can say (yeah)

I’m Ill

(To the tune of “I Will”)

Who knows how long I’ll be here
I think I need a pill