Online Movie

(To the tune of “Feelin’ Groovy”) / Recording by David Simmons

Oh no! I missed my class
Someone ought to kick my ass.
Perhaps there is a hope for me
Did Ahern make an
Online Movie?

Nanananana Online Movie

Doctor Kevin’s
Always blowin’
Tellin’ me I should be knowin’
All that biochemistry
I hope there is a
Online Movie

Nanananana Online Movie

Got sweat on my brow
I’m starting to weep
I fire up my laptop. I’m white as a sheet
As Firefox is downloading I’m feeling neat
‘Cause I just found the
Online Movie

Nanananana Online Movie


More Lyrics


When you’re in a funkAnd really craving some junkYou...

A Norwegian Would

Sven hopped in his boat
Didn’t get far. It wouldn’t float...

Let It Shine

(to the tune of “Let It Snow”) Oh the weather outside...

Wet Christmas

(to the tune of “White Christmas”) I’m screaming ‘bout a...


(To the tune of “Help!”) Yelp! I’m feeling lonely Yelp!...


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How about these?

They Are Watching You

(To the tune of “Every Breath You Take”)

Every thing you say.
Every price you pay

Walgreens Song

(To the tune of “If I Fell”)

When my LDLs are high
And the doc is saying I

Heavin’ on a Jet Plane

(To the tune of “Leavin’ on a Jet Plane”)

Tray table’s down. I want a snack
The steward brings it in a sack

Anthem for BB 3-5-0

(To the tune of “She’ll Be Comin’ Round the Mountain”)

Oh the students taking BB 3-5-0 - 3-5-0
Have an awful lot of things that we must know - 3-5-0

Hark the Sucrose

(To the tune of “Hark the Herald”)

Carbohydrates all should sing
Glory to the Haworth ring


(To the tune of “Downtown”)

Reactions alone
Could starve your cells to the bone

She’s Staying Home

(To the tune of “She’s Leaving Home”)

Friday evening at eight o’clock
when the shuttle stops

My Sweet Tooth

(To the tune of “My Sweet Lord”)
In this stream of consciousness song, the background choir’s words are in parentheses

My sweet tooth


(To the tune of “Penny Lane”)

In the catabolic pathways that our cells employ
Oxidations help create the ATP

Wet Christmas

(to the tune of “White Christmas”)

I’m screaming ‘bout a wet Christmas
It happens almost every year
When the skies are gray out

E. coli Song

(To the tune of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”)

E. coli’s very simple
That’s the way the story goes

OSU Crane Song

(To the tune of “It Never Rains in Southern California”)

In a lot beside a crater . . . . . by the MU
Was a truck that was attached to . . . . . something huge