Students Rejoice

(To the tune of “Joy to the World”)

Students rejoice.
The end is near
For bi-o-chem-is-try

No metabolic pathways,
No enzymes we must know
And Ahern cannot sing
He really should not sing

We’re hoping
In winter term
He does not sing


More Lyrics


When you’re in a funkAnd really craving some junkYou...

A Norwegian Would

Sven hopped in his boat
Didn’t get far. It wouldn’t float...

Let It Shine

(to the tune of “Let It Snow”) Oh the weather outside...

Wet Christmas

(to the tune of “White Christmas”) I’m screaming ‘bout a...


(To the tune of “Help!”) Yelp! I’m feeling lonely Yelp!...


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Hyaluronic acid
Acting almost magically

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I answered 3 ‘b’.  
But then I thought.  It might be ‘c’

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Oh glaucoma!
You reduce the vision of our eyes

At Dairy Queen

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That sets me aglow like VooDoo

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Because it’s the binding site of Hin-d-III

The Bloody Things

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I’m gonna put some oxygens
beside my porphyrin rings

Serine Protease Song

(To the tune of “Blackbird”)

Substrate floating in the cell’s insides
Enzyme snags it with its binding site


(To the tune of “Frosty the Snowman”)

Are the bonds of RNA


(To the tune of “Sunshine on my Shoulders”)

Side chains of the lysines bind to phosphates
Minus charges cling to plusses tight